Sunday, March 16, 2008


Dear Linda,
Is it weird that I'm envious of your desperate housewife lifestyle? Cooking, cleaning, being with your family. It doesn't sound like that hard of a job, so what are you complaining about? Your family relies on you and you keep the household running. What do you think is going to happen if you decide to "drop out" ? I can guess that your husband will be ordering pizza and Chinese food for him and your kids to eat, he's going to go to work wearing a wrinkled oxford shirt and slacks and your kids will be wearing mismatched dirty socks, all while you're in your bedroom pouting because you're irritated and sick of being judged. If you're really that upset, spend your time talking about the problem with your family. Not complaining about them in a poem.


Katie said...

In a way, I agree with you that she should obviously talk with her family and figure out where the problem lies.
Also, I must say that I really do believe that working as a housewife is a job in itself. I would never want that job personally because I would feel trapped and would want to go out and do something that I would want to be doing.
But, some women do enjoy being a housewife. It's a lot of work, too. Cooking, cleaning, taking care of the kids. I guess it just depends on what you prefer.
I can definitely relate and put myself in her position though and realize that sometimes it can be really frustrating; just as any other job that anyone might have.

Erinn said...

Creative response! I like how you envy and disagree with the poet, as it seems most people tend to sympathize with the mother. You make a good point in your last 2 sentences, asking the mother what purpose writing this poem serves. You bring up a good point, if she really is THAT unhappy, why not take action? Perhaps, though, she is not able to take action ...considering when the poem was written, she may not have had any other choice than to be a housewife who is constantly judged...What do you think?